Imagine your own Creative-Tonie

tonies logo in white

Record up to 90 minutes of custom content!

Add your own content to Creative-Tonies or free content ready to download from our app

Child listening to the Santa Creative for a customized holiday message
Child listening to the Santa Creative for a customized holiday message
tonies logo in white

Record up to 90 minutes of custom content!

Add your own content to Creative-Tonies or free content ready to download from our app

Child listening to the Santa Creative for a customized holiday message
Child listening to the Santa Creative for a customized holiday message

Creative-Tonies want to tell your tales

With Creative-Tonies, you can record up to 90 minutes of custom content. Read a favorite book in your own voice, sing a beloved song, preserve cherished family memories, or send heartfelt messages to loved ones. Creative-Tonies put a creative, custom spin on the wonders of the Toniebox.

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Vampire Creative Tonie along with mytonies page showing screen to record content

Download free selections from the mytonies app

The mytonies app offers a wealth of free content ready for download. Your listeners will enjoy revising and refreshing their Toniebox content to ensure it always reflects their latest curiosities and evolving interests.

mytonies app with screen for recording content Vampire Creative Tonie with doodles Vampire Creative Tonie along with mytonies page showing screen to record content

How Creative-Tonies work

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Features of Creative-Tonies

Pirate Creative Tonie with mytonies app showing screen for recording content

Voices They Love

Does your little one love listening to Nana read a certain story? Perhaps they have a favorite podcast or song they just can’t get enough of? All of this content can easily be uploaded to Creative-Tonies for a custom listening experience your child will love.

Vampire Creative Tonie and red Toniebox with mytonies app showing screen for recording content

Send from Afar

Whether you’re a parent traveling for work or a grandparent who lives across the country, Creative-Tonies make it possible to say everything from good morning to sweet dreams, happy birthday to happy first day of school from wherever you are.

Mermaid Creative Tonie with mytonies app showing screen for recording content

Record Your Own

Creative-Tonies are always up for an adventure! Grow your child’s creativity by recording your own stories, complete with characters, adventures and plot twists. Musically inclined? Create your own soundtrack by singing favorites songs.

Pirate Creative Tonie with mytonies app showing screen for recording content

Voices They Love

Does your little one love listening to Nana read a certain story? Perhaps they have a favorite podcast or song they just can’t get enough of? All of this content can easily be uploaded to Creative-Tonies for a custom listening experience your child will love.

Vampire Creative Tonie and red Toniebox with mytonies app showing screen for recording content

Send from Afar

Whether you’re a parent traveling for work or a grandparent who lives across the country, Creative-Tonies make it possible to say everything from good morning to sweet dreams, happy birthday to happy first day of school from wherever you are.

Mermaid Creative Tonie with mytonies app showing screen for recording content

Record Your Own

Creative-Tonies are always up for an adventure! Grow your child’s creativity by recording your own stories, complete with characters, adventures and plot twists. Musically inclined? Create your own soundtrack by singing favorites songs.

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Vampire Creative Tonie

Creative-Tonie FAQ

How are Creative-Tonies different from content characters?

Unlike content Tonies, which contain stories and songs, Creative-Tonies have space for up to 90 minutes of custom content. Record and upload favorite stories, songs, or messages for loved ones.

How do other families use Creative-Tonies?

When it comes to Creative-Tonies, your imagination is the limit! Here are just a few of the ways families like to use their Creative-Tonies: 

  • Record a message for a loved one (This is a great way for grandparents or military members to connect with their littlest loved ones from afar.)
  • Put your little one's favorite stories or songs on a Creative-Tonie
  • Hand paint our Create Your Own Creative-Tonie and make your own personalized Tonie

Are Creative-Tonies stored on the cloud?

Yes, Creative-Tonies content is stored in the toniecloud. You can access this content through the mytonies app. In addition, the app enables parents to control access settings, household settings and features like maximum Toniebox volume.

Multiple screens from mytonies app including Collection page and screen for recording content

Easy Setup.

Safe Settings.

With the mytonies app, parents are always in control. The app allows parents to easily adjust settings like maximum volume and access rights, in addition to uploading content to Creative-Tonies. Rest easy knowing your little one’s Toniebox is totally safe and secure.
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