A girl sitting on her bed enjoying Tonie time
A girl sitting on her bed enjoying Tonie time

Listen, learn and play with one huggable little box

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young girl playing with a red Toniebox and Tonies

Story Time

The Toniebox is the perfect way to introduce your little one to the wonders of narrative long before they can read the pages of a book. With an ever-growing collection of Tonies, you’ll enjoy story time alongside a growing cast of characters ranging from Little Red Riding Hood to The
Gruffalo, Disney’s Moana to Peppa Pig – and so many more. The Toniebox puts audio adventures in the hands of your little one at home, at school and on the go.

young girl in bed with a red Toniebox on her night stand

Sleepy Time

As any parent can attest, getting little ones to sleep is no small task. Thankfully, naptime and sleepy time get a whole lot easier with some help from the Toniebox. From sweet stories to soothing white noise to classic lullabies, the Toniebox sets the stage for a calm and quiet rest.
When story time concludes, the Toniebox quietly turns itself off so sweet dreams can carry on uninterrupted.

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young girl in a carseat with her Toniebox and a Tonie

Travel Time

Every curious little explorer deserves an adventure buddy! With seven hours of battery life and no need for a WiFi connection after the initial setup, the Toniebox makes an ideal travel companion. Soft enough for cuddles in the car, tough enough to handle the thrills and spills of life on the go, bring the Toniebox along for stories and smiles here, there and everywhere.

young girl with a red Toniebox on her bed

Learning Time

The Toniebox is the perfect way to enjoy lessons designed specifically for tot-sized attention spans. From roaming with dinosaurs to ocean expeditions, the Toniebox immerses your child in new worlds of audio learning. Choose Tonies narrated by celebrity experts and filled with exciting STEAM-focused content from partners like NASA, National Geographic Kids and more.

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